Beware Endometriosis, The Cancer Benign

Beware Endometriosis, The Cancer Benign - One of the diseases to watch out for women is endometriosis. 1 in 10 women are expected to develop the disease called 'cancer' is benign. Consider the following article, including how to prevent and cure. The nature of women have uterine and menstruate.
Beware Endometriosis, The Cancer Benign

Including the risk of dangerous diseases, such as abnormalities of the uterus, called endometriosis, chronic disease in which endometrial tissue (the mucous membrane in women) in the womb are found growing outside of the uterus that trigger chronic inflammation. This network will cause increased hormone levels during the menstrual period. Because it can cause excruciating pain when menstruating. Endometriosis is very dangerous that known as benign cancer.


Indeed, until now there has been no explanation as to what the cause of endometriosis. "World Congress which meets every two years to discuss this until now have not been able to conclude," said Prof Ali. However, there are some definite reasons approach can lead to endometriosis.
Pollution and Pollution Stress and stress with the guidance of life can be a trigger endometriosis. Therefore do not be surprised if the disease occurs in women in urban areas.

The type of food consumed cooking Suspected use of a plastic container with a microwave oven can be a trigger of this disease. Can also pesticides and hormones in food consumed able to make hormonal imbalance

Immune System Disorders Immune system is not working properly can lead to the disease up to 20-30%. It is possible that immune system problems can make the body does not recognize and destroy endometrial tissue.

Experiencing Retrograde menstruation retrograde menstruation, the endometrial cells that are released during menstruation actually moving backwards into the fallopian tubes (two smooth channels that connect the ovaries to the uterus) so that the entry into the pelvis or abdomen, and grows there.

Family genetic genetic factors, although not always for sure but it could lead to a tendency to high endometriosis.

After Caesarean section Caesarean or hysterectomy, endometrial cells can be attached to the possibility of a surgical incision so that they can berinvasi into different network layers.

Symptoms to watch

Prior to observe its symptoms, keep in mind that some women with mild endometriosis experiencing tremendous pain. While some women with endometriosis high feel a bit of pain, not even hurt.

1. Menstrual Period

The most visible symptom is when before menstruation or when the first few days of menstruation. When menstruation is painful to the pelvis, lower back and abdominal pain. But it is often taken for granted by the sufferer.

2. Pain during Intercourse

The pain will be felt while or after intercourse.

3. Pain during defecation or Diabetes

Pain during defecation and urination will feel if in a state of menstruation.

4. Excess Bleeding

The bleeding will occur when the menstrual period. Women who bleed a lot during menstruation is often not able to move because of the disorder.

5. Disorders Fertility

If a woman is difficult to get descent, most likely suffering from the disease endometriosis. This is the case as much as 40-60% with 70% of pain complaints.

6. Disease Symptoms More like feeling very tired, diarrhea, constipation, bloating or nausea, especially when the menstrual period.


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