Be Careful With Symptoms Of Tongue Cancer

Symptoms Of Tongue Cancer - is one type of cancer in the oral cavity are the most common. Epidemiological data in the United States showed that the cancer in the oral cavity occurs about 2% of the overall incidence of cancer. In the United States is estimated at more than 10,000 people were reported to have tongue cancer each year.
Symptoms Of Tongue Cancer

A smoker susceptible to attack cancer of the tongue. How to detect a malignant disorder of this? Do curable ?. If known early, these cancers can be treated properly. But if it's too late and it spreads, it can lead to problems swallowing, speaking, and even death. A trigger factor of malignancy of this type are smoking and high alcohol consumption.

Some studies have found from tongue cancer patients, 90% were smokers. The risk of tongue cancer in smokers six times greater than nonsmokers. Similarly, people who like to consume alcohol.


At first the picture is usually obtained white areas on the tongue, gradually enlarged and injury occurs. In addition to white picture, there may also be preceded by its red image (erythroplakia). Other symptoms that may occur at an advanced stage is O Bleeding in the mouth.

- It is difficult to speak, chew or swallow
- There are bumps and sores on the tongue.
- Canker sores that do not heal.
- There was a weight loss without apparent cause.


To solve this problem, there are several types of therapy, depending on the stage of the cancer. Surgery is the first choice, if a tumor is found at an early stage, and is usually located on the front of the tongue. Surgery not only on the ba-gian tongue, may even need to be done on the removal of certain parts of the mouth, depending on the likelihood of the spread of cancer cells.

Because tumor cells can spread through the lymph nodes, in certain circumstances required surgery on lymph Kelen-jar that is on the neck. Surgery is done at risk of becoming gang-guan swallowing or talking. Your doctor will do a previous confirmation of the possible risks resulting from surgery.

To perform these actions in-need a therapist can measure the amount of radiation that the radiation given and how many times the radiation therapy should be done. Further chemotherapy to kill cancer cells that i already spread to other places i through the blood vessels.

If the cancer is already in the advanced stage, and if it is located at the base of the tongue, the risk of surgery may be quite high. In this condition, then the choice is the provision of radiation therapy and chemotherapy all. After the act estab-surgical, rehabilitation measures need to be done to train people with eating, talking, and swallowing. This is necessary for me-indeed experts explore this issue.
Symptoms Of Tongue Cancer


To resolve this problem, avoid smoking and alcohol consumption is a must. In addition the sun should avoid exposure to high intensity. Although there are no solid facts, but there is a presumption of sunlight can trigger the occurrence of this cancer.

In addition to the need to adjust diet, so eating foods high in fiber, low in carbohydrates and fat. Consult your dentist regularly can also mem¬bantu determine early diagnosis. Ideal time span oral health care at least once a month to consult a dentist.


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