Bananas Benefits That Can Eliminate Acne

Bananas Benefits That Can Eliminate Acne - What is on your mind when hearing the term "banana"? Surely, you think about the long and oval-shaped fruit is yellow or green that can be eaten. Banana is a large herb plants and broadleaf extends from the tribe musaceae.

Bananas have emerged in the form of fruit bunches and composed menjari called comb. Almost all bananas have yellow skin when ripe. However, there are also banana orange, red, green, purple, almost black.

Bananas Benefits That Can Eliminate Acne
Bananas are very well taken because it contains carbohydrates as a source of energy and rich in minerals, especially potassium. The nutrients contained in fruits ripe banana is 99 calories, 1.2 g protein, 0.2 g fat, 25.8 mg carbohydrates, 0.7 g fiber, 8 mg of calcium, 28 mg phosphorus, 0.5 mg of iron, 44 RE vitamin A, vitamin B 0.08 mg, 3 mg of vitamin C, and 72 g of water.

Bananas are very beneficial for health, especially pregnant women, because they contain folic acid which is good for the health of the fetus. In addition, bananas can also be healthy digestion and treat the face. 

Here are some benefits of bananas well as how to process them to care for your skin beauty:

A. Moisturizing Skin

Different ways to process bananas to moisturize the skin are as follows:

1). Milled some bananas (especially bananas) until smooth.
2). Add 2 tablespoons of olive oil.
3). Spread evenly on the face.
4). Wait until slightly dried up.
5). Wash your face with clean water.

B. Eliminate acne scars or Smallpox.

Acne scars or chicken pox is very definitely interfere with your performance and cause insecurity. The solution, you can use gold bananas. The trick is as follows:

1). Rub the inside of a banana skin (especially bananas gold) directly on the skin that is acne scars or chicken pox.
2). After a little dries, wash the skin with water.
3). Perform routine to make the skin free from acne scars or chicken pox.

C. Smooth Hands and Feet

Various ways to cultivate bananas soften the hands and feet are as follows:

1). Use the inside of a banana skin (especially bananas gold) to rub the hands and feet are cracked.
2). Do it every day in order to get the skin of hands and feet without cracking.

D. Smooth Skin

Different ways to process bananas to smooth the skin are as follows:

1). Prepare a mixture of 1 banana (especially bananas) and 1 tablespoon of honey.
2). Apply to the face as a mask.
3). Allow to dry.
4). Wash as usual.


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